
Justin Stout

Web developer and professional librarian

Applying React and Node.js skills to create innovative web solutions

Macro Tracker

Portfolio Highlights

A single-page, responsive macro tracking app that allows the user to customize desired macronutrients intake for each day and then track in real time. I developed this project to gain experience with full stack development using React.js, RTK Query, Typescript, Tailwind, Node.js, MongoDB, Express, and Passport for Google Authentication. I think the result is fairly robust and I use it myself for nutrition tracking.

Working demo: https://macros-tracker.onrender.com/

Github repository: https://github.com/jstout38/Macros

Movie Game

A wordle-style movie guessing game I developed to gain more experience working with APIs in Next.js. The user guesses movies and if the guessed movie shares cast members with the hidden movie, they are revealed as hints. The user can also get additional hints at the cost of points. Built with React.js, Next.js, Typescript, and Tailwind.

Working demo: https://movie-game.onrender.com/

Github repository: https://github.com/jstout38/moviegame

Chord Trainer

A simple single-page app that allows users to set keys and types of jazz chords for practice with a set time interval and the app then displays the chords at the determined interval so that the user can practice. Built with React.js, Next.js, Typescript, and Tailwind.

Working demo: https://chord-trainer.onrender.com/

Github repository: https://github.com/jstout38/Chord-Trainer

About Me

I enjoy using the MERN stack but I am a quick learner and open to using various technologies. I am also a professional librarian; you can find my librarian resume here. My hobbies include playing the piano, chess, running, and calisthenics.